Unlocking the Angus Young Tone: Your Gibson SG Setup Guide


Ever wondered about the secret behind Angus Young’s electrifying guitar performances? It’s all in the setup of his iconic Gibson SG. This article will delve into the specifics of Young’s unique setup, giving you a glimpse into the gear that has powered decades of rock ‘n roll.

Whether you’re a seasoned guitarist or an aspiring musician, understanding the intricacies of Young’s Gibson SG setup can provide valuable insights. It’s not just about the instrument, it’s how you tune it to your style that truly makes the difference.

Key Takeaways

  • Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup is much more than the instrument itself. It involves a unique combination of gear and playing method, including his characteristic vibrato, dynamic picking, and alternating use of chords and notes.
  • Young’s Gibson SG is a 1968 Standard model, notable for its lightweight mahogany body, ‘Tyrolean’ tuners, cherry red color and a pair of gutsy humbucking pickups.
  • His setup includes precise use of accessory choices, strings, and special tone controls of the Gibson SG. He often resorts to bridge-positioned pickups, usually opting for humbucker pickups with strong output.
  • On a technical level, Young prefers using light string gauges (.009-.042) for flexibility, and commonly sets all knobs to full (10) to achieve his vivid, treble-heavy sound.
  • Young’s tone is markedly supported by his use of the vintage Marshall 1959 SLP, or ‘Plexi’, known for their raw tone. He occasionally modifies the amp settings for optimum sound quality, by using an attenuator to achieve increased distortion while controlling volumes.
  • Major factors contributing to Young’s distinctive performance style include the comfort and high playability of the Gibson SG, its reduced weight, and sustained tonality.
  • Finally, replicating Young’s SG setup involves acquiring a similar Gibson SG, fitting it with high-output pickups, using light-gauge strings, adjusting the pickup height, and mimicking Young’s unique use of controls. Also, use of a Marshall amplifier and limited effects can help recreate the essential ‘Angus Young sound.’

Overview of Angus Young Gibson SG Setup

Peek behind the curtain to uncover the components of Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup. Unravel the knobs, strings, and techniques that ignite his fiery performances.

Details on Gibson SG Model

The Gibson SG, treasured by Angus Young, traces a distinct roadmap in the musical world. Considered as the linchpin of his on-stage showmanship, the Gibson SG defines the tone of this guitar hero. Introduced in 1961, the model was originally intended to replace the Les Paul. The Gibson SG Young employs is a 1968 Standard model featuring characteristics that are unique to that period.

From the slim, lightweight mahogany body that facilitates on-stage acrobatics, to the landmark ‘Tyrolean’ tuners on the headstock, every aspect of this instrument adds up to create that distinctive Angus Young sound that’s echoed through generations of rock ‘n roll.

The cherry red color, double cutaway design providing easy access to the upper frets, and a pair of gutsy humbucking pickups complete the sketch of this iconic guitar.

Characteristics that Define Angus Young’s Sound

Angus Young’s sound is not just a derivative of his Gibson SG; it’s an integration of gear and method that shapes his distinctive tone. At its core, Young’s sound leans towards the raw potency of stripped-down rock infused with an impressive sustain and energetic, crunchy attack.

Young’s amplification setup compounds this unique sound. Usually cranking a vintage Marshall 1959 SLP, commonly known as a ‘Plexi’, Young depends on these amps for their unforgiving, raw tone. In conjunction with his SG, it produces a sound that’s felt in every electrifying performance.

Moreover, Young’s guitar playing technique significantly impacts his tone. His unique vibrato, dynamic picking action, and his propensity to alternate between chords and notes single-handedly define his inimitable sound.

Lastly, the godfather of hard rock largely relies on the guitar’s bridge pickup, a custom, high-output humbucker, for his signature sound. His SG is undoubtedly a key to his eccentric performances, proving, as it always has done, that it’s the player who shapes the tone, not just the equipment.

Decoding Angus Young’s Gibson SG Setup

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Unraveling the technical aspects behind Young’s iconic sound involves understanding his choice of accessories, string setup, and utilization of unique tone controls that the Gibson SG offers.

Choice of Pickups and Hardware

Angus Young’s fidelity toward bridge-positioned pickups is fundamental to his raw, aggressive tonality. His Gibson SG primarily uses humbucker pickups with strong output, giving him a thicker tone, ideal for the hard rock genre that AC/DC dominates. It’s important to note that Young occasionally modifies the configuration, opting for replacement pickups with a slightly hotter output. Examples include Gibson’s Angus Young Signature Humbucker and Seymour Duncan’s Whole Lotta Humbucker, especially designed to handle overdriven amplifier settings.

Insight into Young’s String Setup

When it comes to strings, Young selects gauges that complement his vigorous playing style, while accommodating the substantial bending and vibrato technique that peppers his solos. He primarily uses gauge .009-.042, promising greater flexibility and lighter feel as compared to heavier gauge strings. A lighter string set also assists in achieving the biting, high-frequency tone that embellishes his leads.

Use of SG’s Unique Tone Controls

The Gibson SG’s layout, with two tone and two volume controls, offers a myriad of tonal options. Yet, Young typically opts for simplicity, relying on the bridge pickup and setting all knobs to full (10). This setup facilitates the vivid, treble-heavy sound he’s renowned for, while his articulate playing, enhanced by the iconic SG’s fast neck, ensures a growling, defined tone. Notably, Young employs the SG’s volume control to attain cleaner tones by rolling it back, contradicting the typical use of the tone knob for the same. The resulting nuances form an essential part of the signature Angus Young tone.

The Role of Amplifiers in Angus Young’s Gibson SG Setup

As part of his equipment lineup, a critical contributor to recreating Angus Young’s iconic raw tone lies in his choice of amplifiers. This section examines Young’s relationship with Marshall amplifiers and how he customizes them to achieve his distinctive sound.

Young’s Connection with Marshall Amplifiers

Young’s bond with Marshall amplifiers remains unwavering, playing a pivotal role in his Gibson SG setup. Marshall’s Super Lead 100 model, in particular, backs Young’s aggressive tonality. His firm reliance on these tube amplifiers, notorious for their ability to create a robust presence in a band mix, reinforces the treble-rich, biting tonal quality that Young is famed for.

Custom Modifications to Amplifiers

Despite his loyalty to the basic setup throughout his career, Young incorporated slight nuances to his amp settings to enhance his beloved SG’s output. Aiming for optimum sound quality, Young combines his Marshall Super Lead 100 Valve amplifiers with the 4×12″ guitar cabinets by Marshall, using Celestion G12M speakers.

For more control over his roguish treble tones, Young modifies his amplifiers by configuring the amp’s “High Treble” channel for the volume at ‘6’. The addition of an attenuator aids the master volume control, permitting the intense guitar output that listeners associate with Young, bypassing stage volume issues. Young’s reliance on attenuator devices, especially in large venues, allows for increased distortion while maintaining reasonable volumes, housing a monstrous sound despite performance constraints.

Impact on Performance: Angus Young’s Gibson SG Setup

A deeper look at Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup delineates linkages between his setup and musical performance. This section concentrates on the contributing factors that make Young’s riffs utterly distinctive, and the comfort and playability of the Gibson SG, which turns out to be key in Young’s performances.

Contributing Factors to Young’s Signature Riffs

Understanding the constituents of Young’s signature riffs begins with the Gibson SG he invariably uses. Young’s SG isn’t an off-the-shelf model. It’s a customized version with significant modifications. Young’s SG is fundamentally a 1968 Gibson SG Standard, but with a different pickup configuration. Young replaces the original pickups with the furiously hot, high-output Gibson 498T humbucking pickup.

Displaying Young’s influence from blues musicians, his SG setup features a light-gauge string, mostly opting for .009s on top and .042s on the bottom. This combination allows him to perform his trademark stinging bends and rapid-fire pentatonic runs. Angus Young’s Gibson SG Setup is indeed the engineer of his distinctive riffs.

Comfort and Playability of Gibson SG

The Gibson SG offers a distinctive level of comfort and playability which are critical aspects of Young’s kinetic performance style. SG’s double-cutaway design is more than a design feature. It provides unhindered access to the upper frets, enabling the screaming leads that are a staple of Young’s play. The slim, fast neck profile and shallow ‘D’ shape of the SG support Young’s agile, fast-paced soloing and rhythm techniques.

Furthermore, the SG is a lighter guitar than many others. This instrument’s reduced weight makes it the perfect choice for Young’s energetic, acrobatic stage performances. Lastly, the SG’s robust, sustained tonality, biting mids, and versatility across numerous musical styles make it the go-to guitar for Young.

In essence, the comfort and playability of the Gibson SG aren’t merely instrumental. They’re central to achieving that iconic, hard rock sound that defines Angus Young and AC/DC. To put it simply, his Gibson SG setup is complementary to his overall persona, on-stage antics, and, most notably, his high voltage rock ‘n’ roll.

Replicating Angus Young’s Gibson SG Setup

This section dives deeper into how you could possibly replicate the iconic Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup. Sprinkle your musical journey with specific elements of Young’s gear, achieving a sound that bears resemblance to the legendary AC/DC lead guitarist.

Steps for Setting Up Your Own SG

Remember, Young’s guitar setup is predominantly anchored on his Gibson SG. Firstly, acquire the Gibson SG Standard fitted with Gibson 498T humbucking pickup. This selection aligns with Young’s preference for high-output pickups. It’s a move that defines his punchy, high gain tone.

Secondly, attach light-gauge strings to your Gibson SG. In particular, Young equips his SG with Gibson’s .009-.042 gauge strings, contributing to the vibrant sound and providing him with ease in bending notes.

Distance matters when setting up your own SG. For example, adjust the pickup height on the Gibson SG Standard. Young personalizes his own setup by keeping the pickup quite close to the strings, which is a critical step in driving more signal into his Marshall amp resulting in thicker overdrive.

In the line of controls, note Young’s lack of dependence on tonal knobs. If you wish to venture down Young’s path, you may take off the Gibson SG’s neck volume pod. This modification introduces a unique characteristic to Young’s rig, as he solely relies on the bridge pickup for his sounds.

Essential Gear for Achieving Young’s Tone

Beyond his Gibson SG, appreciating other gear in Young’s setup provides valuable insights into his distinct tonal quality. However, achieving his tone is not just about gear – it’s about combining the right tools with his unique playing style.

Primarily, Young plays through a Marshall amplifier. An architect of his sound, the Marshall 1959SLP 100-watt Super Lead Plexi amplifier offers the vintage vibe fundamental to Young’s tone. If you can’t find the exact model, a Marshall amplifier with slightly higher gain stages promises a comparable sound.

Commensurate with Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup, the guitarist opts for a wireless unit: the Schaffer-Vega Diversity System, doubling as a boost to overdrive his Marshall amp. Despite the rarity of the original units, you can get hold of the Schaffer Replica (TSR) – a pedal designed to emulate the original’s sound.

Finally, resist the temptation to dive into effects pedals. Keeping true to Young’s approach, the AC/DC guitarist’s signal chain remains remarkably simple. Stick to a few essential gear and embody Young’s playing style and determination that paves the way to capturing his unique tone.

Remember, these hardware specifications and settings are just a guide to help you nudge closer to the iconic guitarist’s tone. The real key to capturing the ‘Angus Young sound’ lies in your fingers and playing style, as no two guitarists sound completely alike.


You’ve explored the intricacies of Angus Young’s Gibson SG setup. With a Gibson SG Standard, a 498T humbucking pickup, and light-gauge strings, you’re on the right path to capturing that vibrant, signature sound. Remember, it’s not just about the gear. Adjusting the pickup height and removing the neck volume pod are crucial steps in shaping that iconic tone.

But don’t forget the bigger picture. The Marshall amplifier and the Schaffer-Vega Diversity System wireless unit play their part too. It’s the combination of these elements that creates the unique ‘Angus Young sound’. Yet, the most important piece of the puzzle is you. Embodying Young’s playing style is essential. After all, the hardware specifications are just a guide. It’s your passion, your skill, and your dedication to the craft that will truly bring the sound to life.

What is the primary guitar in Angus Young’s setup?

The primary guitar in Angus Young’s setup is the Gibson SG Standard with a Gibson 498T humbucking pickup.

What string gauge does Angus Young prefer to use?

Angus Young typically prefers to use light-gauge strings, specifically .009-.042 gauge, which are known for their vibrant tones and ease in bending notes.

What are some key modifications mentioned for replicating Young’s guitar setup?

Some key modifications include adjusting the pickup height on the Gibson SG and removing the neck volume pod to drive the signal and emulate the iconic ‘Angus Young sound’.

What other gear is essential to capture Young’s distinctive tone?

Beyond the SG Guitar, Angus Young utilizes a Marshall amplifier and the Schaffer-Vega Diversity System wireless unit to achieve his distinctive tone.

Is gear selection alone enough to replicate the ‘Angus Young sound’?

No, gear selection alone is not sufficient to replicate the ‘Angus Young sound’. Embodying Young’s playing style is crucial, as hardware specifications alone cannot capture his unique sound; the article highlights this importance.